"Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth.” - Archimedes
The key differentiators of Gasplasma® are the elimination of fly ash, chars, and tars, and the production of extremely clean syngas, usable heat, and Plasmarok®, which is a salable product.
Gasplasma® provides economic benefits beyond the reduction of fuel and energy costs by expanding the availability of diverse waste inputs that can be used for fuel.
Gasplasma® is a unique and patented oxy-steam gasification process using a fluidized bed gasifier followed by a plasma converter that prepares synthetic gas for downstream applications, such as the generation of electricity, production of hydrogen and liquid fuels.
In the United States, over 250 million tons of garbage was generated in 2010, of which 54% was disposed in landfills, and 11.7% (29.3 million tons) is used as a fuel for energy production at mass burn or refuse-derived fuel facilities.
What is plasma? Plasma is an electrically charged gas known as the 4th state of matter. It is formed when gas is heated
to over 5000° F by electricity.
LGE believes that Gasplasma® is the most efficient plasma-based process available today.
Between now and 2050, the global population is expected to increase from 6.9 billion to more than 9 billion, with 98% of this growth occurring in cities and in the developing and emerging world.
Gasplasma® technology combines two proven base technologies, gasification and plasma conversion, and has been validated by several world class engineering and testing laboratories.
Gasification is a process that transforms carbonaceous feedstock material from a solid or liquid state to a gaseous state in a low-oxygen atmosphere using oxygen and steam for the control of temperature and composition of the synthetic gas.
The market for municipal and industrial waste is growing, requiring environmentally friendly waste to energy solutions.
As countries develop and become wealthier, the amount of waste that is generated per capita increases.
Waste composition becomes more varied and complex, hence impossible to ignore and difficult to handle.
Gasplasma® generates synthetic gas, thermal energy and electricity at low cost by using the broadest possible variety of organic waste.
Approximately 4 billion tons of municipal and industrial waste is produced every year worldwide.
LGE was established to identify, invest in and help develop clean energy technologies. LGE holds ownership stakes in green energy technology companies and has a significant portfolio of license rights from these companies.